Monday, September 22, 2008

Off to Interbike!

Just a quick note to let you know that I'll be hopping on a plane and flying out to Vegas tomorrow to attend the annual industry trade show - Interbike.

This has become an annual thing for me and I love reconnecting with people whom I talk to frequently, but only see once a year. All the new gear is great to see too. I'm sure to have some things to share once I return home.

I'll be attending the National Criterium Championships for the second year as well. Last year saw Ivan Dominguez with a winning effort in the last 150 meters for an awesome finish. What will we see this year?

I hate Vegas, and can't wait to leave from the moment the plane touches down...but I love Interbike and seeing all my friends.

Until I return...thanks for reading.


  1. So you stopped writing? Happy New Year.

  2. Nope, just really busy in my "other" (real) life. Holidays, family, traveling, playing music, etc...

    I have some new posts planned; just a matter of getting a few photos together and sitting down to actually write.

    Happy New Year to you too!



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